Contribute: How Giving Back Elevates Your Journey

In this episode of Take What’s Yours, Talib Jasir explores the fourth Intentional Principle: Contribute. It’s not just about giving time or money; it’s about intentionally sharing your energy, wisdom, and resources in ways that expand both your world and the worlds of others. Talib reflects on the ripple effect that contribution creates and how it deepens your personal growth.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The deeper meaning of contribution beyond material giving
  • How contributing to others’ success can fuel your own growth
  • Personal stories of how Talib’s commitment to contribution shaped his life and community
  • How living in abundance rather than scarcity shifts your mindset and impact

Key Takeaway: Contribution isn’t about expecting something in return—it’s about elevating others, which in turn amplifies your own success and growth.

Action Step for Listeners: This week, identify one way you can contribute to someone’s journey, whether through advice, support, or resources. Do it with intention and reflect on the impact it has on both of you.


  • Download the Liberated Creator Workbook to track your contributions and their effects on your growth [].
  • Get your copy of Take What’s Yours [].
  • Explore Talib Jasir’s coaching and community [].

Join Talib Jasir next time as he discusses the final Intentional Principle: Elevate and how to break through limiting beliefs to reach new heights.