Create – Crafting Your Life from the Inside Out

5 intentional principles creative life intentional creation intentional living liberated creator personal growth Oct 09, 2024
Liberated Creators
Create – Crafting Your Life from the Inside Out

Hey Liberated Creator,

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to create, and I’m not just talking about art or work. It’s about the act of crafting your life—shaping your reality, not according to what the world wants but what you want. This is the essence of the first Intentional Principle: Create.

Here’s a hard truth: Most of us are great at creating for others—meeting deadlines, pleasing bosses, fulfilling obligations. But when was the last time you created something purely for yourself, for your soul? This isn’t about approval or validation. This is about you giving life to what you really care about. It’s like quantum physics—every thought, every action, ripples through your reality, shaping what’s possible.

What would your world look like if you built it for you?

In this first step toward becoming a Liberated Creator, I challenge you to set aside time this week to create from your core. Whether it's writing, crafting a new idea, or even a new routine, let it come from you, without concern for what anyone else thinks.

Challenge: Identify one area in your life where you’ve been creating based on someone else’s expectations. Now, take one action this week to make it yours. Small steps are still creation.

Your Possibility: When you create from authenticity, the world begins to shift around you. New connections, opportunities, and ideas arise because you’re living your truth.

If you’re ready to take this deeper, I’ve got some exciting news—the first 10 person exclusive "Become a Liberated Creator" cohort is forming November 11th. Want to join?

Stay intentional,
Talib Jasir

"You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time."
— Angela Davis

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